New Funny Video। Top Comedy Video 2021। Try To Not Laugh


New Funny Video। Top  Comedy Video 2021। Try To Not Laugh 

Sumit Pande

Yes. If the person does so, the person is still good enough to come out of the depression, irrespective of severity, as when the person is still trying to laugh, it means that enough is left inside to fight back.

What is depression? Something negative which ovrrehrlmes us so much so that we deliberately push away everything which can compose us.

Here, instead of simply accepting the reality, we unnecessarily keep on stretching ourself to the point of breaking.

But, if the person has that smallest of the chunk of confidence left inside over self, that inner voice, however the low it sounds, telling you that, yes, I can get over this, you can laugh.

Terry Loder

Some of the vidoes on “pasted” were funny, I think the question is asking what is funny, and why is it funny, the old stand ups all agreed with Bob Hope, I think it was him, its been a while since I heard someone like him say, it's all about timing , I agree, systematic sequence of events is the swing of statement being accepted not rejected.

A blast from the past is hard to make funny due to the missing ingredient linking the system presented to the sequence of contemporary events, leaving it without credibility. A child or the childlike mind of an adult will miss the relevance of systematic sequence because credibility comes easy without connection to calibration.

Work and play are therefore intermingled easily in these people if there is a stressfull feeling to be countered with humour it's easy to preform, if there are some stressed-out afflictions then humour doesn't come that easy, but it's still comes much easier than it does with a demanding mature mentality.

Working stress will respond to messenger chemicals sent from the endocrine glands a system itself. A physiological development from a psychological cause effecting a psychological change.

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